Dogs are potty trained by being taught to associate going to the bathroom with a specific cue, such as being taken outside or hearing their owner say “go potty.” Most dogs learn best when a consistent routine is followed. Puppies should be taken out every hour when they are first being potty trained, and gradually the wait time can be lengthened. When puppies are first brought home, it is important to begin training them as soon as possible. Crate training can also be helpful in housebreaking dogs.
Step 1: Choose The Right Time
The first step in potty training your dog is to choose the right time. Timing is everything when it comes to potty training a dog. You want to make sure that you are consistent and patient, but also that you pick a time when you can be hands-on and attentive. When is the best time to potty train your dog?

Some people opt for immediately after they bring their new furry friend home, while others wait until the dog has reached a certain age or size. However, according to research, it is best to start when they are about eight to twelve weeks old. They will usually have some control over their bladder and bowels by this age. If you start later than this, your puppy may already have bad habits that will be harder to break.
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Step 2: Get Your Supplies Ready
When potty training your dog, the most important thing to remember is to be patient. It can take some time for your dog to get used to the new routine, but with a little perseverance, you’ll have them going potty outside like a pro in no time. In this article, we’ll walk you through the second step of potty training: getting your supplies ready.
One of the most important things you’ll need when potty training your dog is a designated spot for them to go pee and poop. This can be an outdoor area or an indoor spot like a litter box or corner of the room. If you’re going to be using an outdoor area, make sure it’s a quiet, secluded spot where your dog won’t be disturbed.
Step 3: Set Some Rules
When potty training your dog, it is important to set some ground rules. Dogs are creatures of habit and will learn best when there is a consistent routine. Make sure everyone in the house agrees on what the rules are and stick to them.

Some basic rules to keep in mind:
- Take your dog outside immediately after waking up, eating, playing, and drinking.
- If your dog does not go potty within 10 minutes, bring them back inside and put them in their crate or designated potty area.
- Reward your dog with treats and praise when they go potty outside.
- Do not punish your dog for accidents indoors; this can confuse them and make the training process more difficult.
- Establish a specific time each day for your dog to go outside and use the bathroom, and stick to it as closely as possible.
Step 4: How To Start Training
Now that you know how to start potty training your dog, it’s time to start training. It’s important that you are consistent with your commands and rewards, and be patient while your dog learns. Here are a few tips on how to get started:

1. Make sure you have a designated potty area outside where your dog can go to the bathroom. If you don’t have a yard, find a spot nearby where your dog can relieve himself without too much distraction.
2. Take your dog out frequently, especially after meals and naps, and immediately reward him when he goes to the bathroom in the correct spot.
3. Be prepared to clean up any messes made inside until your dog is fully trained. Have plenty of paper towels and cleaner on hand so you can quickly clean up any accidents.
4.Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise. A tired dog is less likely to have accidents in the house. You should also begin teaching your dog basic commands like sit and stay. This will help keep him focused and out of mischief.
Step 5: Be Consistent
If you are potty training your pup, consistency is key. You should take him or her outside every hour, on the hour. When you first start taking your pup outside, be sure to reward them with a treat and lots of praise when they go potty in the right spot. Once your pup has it down pat, you can gradually lengthen the time between potty breaks.

If you are like most dog owners, potty training your pup is at the top of your list of priorities. It can be frustrating when your dog doesn’t seem to “get it” after a few tries, but don’t give up! Consistency is key when training your pup on potty train.
In Conclusion,
Potty training your dog can be difficult but it’s worth it in the long run. Not only will your dog be housebroken and understand what is expected of them, but they will also be better behaved in public. Remember to be patient and consistent with your training, and to reward your dog for good behavior. With a little bit of effort, you’ll have a well-behaved dog who knows how to use the bathroom like a civilized member of society.